We are one. We fear nothing but our God. We dare to do all we might to chase our wildest dream. We fight for today to save tomorrow. We do not trust those who found the truth but we do trust those who are looking for it. Feel the power of we. We are EDSA.

Rabu, 21 September 2011

Social Gathering

EDSA is going to make a social gathering again. As the last one, we will just hang out in Kualo and have some fun with our EDSA's friends, so make sure that you can come and join with us. The committees are trying to invite our almamaters and some lecturers (keep praying that they would make it). Of course that you will meet our 'elders' as well. Below is the detail information:

Place        : Kualo

Charge        : Rp 8.000,-

Date           : October 23, 2011

Agenda        :

Opening Ceremony
Show Of Force*
Lunch, Shalat and Break.
‘Heart-to-heart’ discussion
Playing Football

Responsibility        :

1st Semester A
1st Semester B
3th Semester
5th Semester A
5th Semester B
7th Semester (Regular)
7th Semester (Mandiri)
Mangga 7kg, Bengkuang 7kg and Tikar 5 pieces.
Nanas 15, Jeruk Sunkis Mini 5kg, Tikar 5 pieces.
Bumbu Kacang, Kerupuk, and Batery.
Pepaya 5, Kedondong 7kg
Timun 7kg, Jeruk Sunkis Mini 10kg
Fruit Juice
Fruit Juice

*) Each class should prepare a performance, either solo or group performance.
**) For those who bring the fruits; the fruits should be separated from its skin and slice it until it shaped is like a cube.
***) Each class should bring a box of water (e.g; Aqua, Air Mas, etc.)


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