We are one. We fear nothing but our God. We dare to do all we might to chase our wildest dream. We fight for today to save tomorrow. We do not trust those who found the truth but we do trust those who are looking for it. Feel the power of we. We are EDSA.

Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011

Comparative Study Trip

Hi, EDSA is going to make a comparative study trip with Bali as the main destination. As usual, this is only the abstract information about this program. I will make sure by asking my friends about which university we will 'compare', how the accommodation is, etc. So make sure that you still keep in touch with this blog. Any kinds of suggestion will be accepted.

Destination      : Jakarta-Jogjakarta-Bali
Date                : December 15-22, 2011
Charge            : Rp 2.800.000,-


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