We are one. We fear nothing but our God. We dare to do all we might to chase our wildest dream. We fight for today to save tomorrow. We do not trust those who found the truth but we do trust those who are looking for it. Feel the power of we. We are EDSA.

Kamis, 08 Maret 2012


Nowadays, majority of juvenile delinquencies are intolerable by our country’s law. Even though the subjects are still under age, but the actions such as stealing or even murdering can be categorized as a crime and brought into the court. The good example for this is the ‘flip-flop’ case which involved a teenager as the guilty. This can be considered as a good action from the adjudicative members since it gave a shock therapy for the other teenagers that their action could be processed seriously. The most intolerable juvenile delinquency is that if it is done in a group, such as motor gangs. They even make a ‘jungle law’ in the street that only the strong can survive. Their ‘law’ often causes a chaos when the gangs brawl for a small cause; to decide who will be the king in that ‘area’. When they brawl, the casualties are not only the street properties but also some innocent lives that just happen to pass the brawling place. Obviously, when it comes to taking human’s life, they have broken the murder section in our constitution. Therefore, this kind of phenomena should not be taken lightly but solved seriously in law’s way since we live in the law country.

by: Harum Wibowo (A1B009013)


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