By: Ferkiman Hutasoit (A1B011039)
This is the story why I enter University of Bengkulu with English as my major. Since I was in elementary school, I liked English very much, do you know why? That was because I did reading, writing and speaking English very often. Then when I entered a junior high school (at that time, my junior high school’s name was SMP Yadika Riau) my English be better than I was in elementary school. It began with a little matter like I got A or ten at my school test and my class test. What was the secret?
I would consult with my teachers and my seniors in my school. It was a simple secret, wasn’t it? And the big matter was I got the first winner of English speech in Tambusai Region of Riau. I did it not only with the luck but also with my effort and my pray to God.
Since I was in senior high school, I got the fourth rank of English speech in Riau University as well, I was so proud because I could proud myself, my parents, my teachers, my friends, and all of people. I was really proud of it.
So those are the reason why I like English and finally God give me the opportunity to enter UNIB with English as my major. Thanks to God and all of people.
= The Secret of Me =
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