We are one. We fear nothing but our God. We dare to do all we might to chase our wildest dream. We fight for today to save tomorrow. We do not trust those who found the truth but we do trust those who are looking for it. Feel the power of we. We are EDSA.

Senin, 22 Agustus 2011


By: Novi Sylvia

          I have studied English for fourteen years. It started when I liked to look a picture in my bedroom, it’s about any kind of animals with it’s translation in English. From that moment, I liked to remember all the things and it’s translation in English like animals, fruits, anything in a classroom, etc. I was enjoying to study about English.
          And then when I was in the fourth grade at my elementary school I studied English and I got a great teacher. His name was Juni… yeah… I used to call him Mr. Jun. He taught me and my friends about English well so I was enjoying studying about English more and more and it happened during my study in the elementary school.
          Then, I started to study in a junior high school. In there I got an English teacher, namely Mr. Salamun. He was the best teacher I have ever had. Yeah… I thought it something like that because since I studied English with him I got my brave and full spirit to practice English. I was enjoyed and often got a high grade in English test without feeling that it was the difficult one. I really loved English since those moments. I used to remember the first time when I spoke in English with Mr. Salamun. I felt so happy. Wow… amazing! Mr. Salamun used to ask me to join a competition to prove my ability in English. I liked to join and enjoyed it too, like speech and story telling for junior high school in my lovely city, Curup, but it was not an easy matter to be a winner in those events. I had never gotten the first winner but I had never given up because it made me be more spirit to practice or know English deeply. I also used to remember my first rival in English competition because he used to be the first winner and went to the province level to get more opportunity to improve his ability in English. I used to think that, “he can do it, why cant I? What’s the mistake I did?”
          Finally in senior high school 1 Curup, actually I studied in the same school with my rival. Then, I tried to join the English club there. I used to be chosen as the competitor from my school to join the competition and I did my best and as the result I had been the winner from Smansa and the hot news was I had been in the same team with my rival. I studied anything in English club and from one competition to the others in debate. I loved debate and I liked to speak English and I wanted to study it more and more.
          When I wanted to come to the university, I had decided that my choice was English education program because I wanted to study about English and be able to speak English clearly. It’s my destiny to come to English Department with a clear destination and bring a motto “you are what you think about yourself”.


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