We are one. We fear nothing but our God. We dare to do all we might to chase our wildest dream. We fight for today to save tomorrow. We do not trust those who found the truth but we do trust those who are looking for it. Feel the power of we. We are EDSA.

Senin, 22 Agustus 2011


By: Septa Rizka Emilda (A1B011011)

          My name is Septa Rizka Emilda. I came from Senior High School 2 Bengkulu. If I was asked why I chose English, maybe I will answer ‘it just my luck’. When I was in high school I never thought to enter English Department. just to teach and become a teacher but in the other hand, I love English very much.
          After graduating from high school I enrolled in Poly Technique Bengkulu Health and Nutrition. Alhamdulillah… I was accepted. At that time I did not even think about choosing another university because I had got what I wanted before but not long after the announcement in Poly Technique it turned the announcement of selection into public university out. I did not expect to pass this selection at the teacher training and education, University of Bengkulu but I did. Then, I decided not to choose poly technique because English is needed today. My English is very helpful in the future. I hope the knowledge that I will get at the university can be useful to others. I’m very happy to get what I really want. I hope that my study in the university can run smoothly because I think that I’m not good in English.
          After thinking about it many times and consulting my parents, it turned out that they supported me to go to University of Bengkulu and they supported me to become a teacher as well. I always remember my parents’ words that eventhough I am going to enter teacher training and education faculty, it doesn’t necessarily mean that I am going to be a teacher because English is indispensable today and certainly the language (English) will be helpful for my future.
          Besides the story which I have mentioned above, I was inspired by a teacher who had taught in tutoring as well. She told me that she had attended teacher training and education, University of Bengkulu. She inspired and told me that she got a scholarship to study at Manchester, England. I was amazed to hear her story. The thing that made me even more amazed to her that she was not considered as a smart guy in English. Her words made me passion to enter this university. So, I want to be like her who got scholarship abroad.


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